Thursday, August 6, 2015


North is one of the most important cardinal direction in Vastu and Feng Shui. This is because the positive energies reign here. Magnet energy of earth flows from north to south or it can be said that it is center of production of energy and storage of power; this is one of the reasons of its importance. In Vastu this is the direction of Lord Kuber the God of wealth.

This direction of the house should be clutter free and should have open space or there should be lawn or garden. Flow of energy is from North to South thru the medium of earth and air. Vastu and Feng Shui suggest that this direction should not be obstructed with high structure or trees as this will obstruct the inflow of positive energy to the plot or structure and the result that the inhabitants of the structure will be deprived of its positive energy which is essential for success and growth.  

In this direction there should not be any store, kitchen or washroom.
The plot should not have any cut or round.
The side of the plot should be lower than south, southwest and west.
There should not be any obstacle in plot in this direction.
Big no to servant quarter here.
Only small plants should be grown here and no big trees or such structure.
There should not be master bed room here.

When any of the above structure created on this direction of plot then there is big problem of wealth.
Opportunities will be lost or slip from hand.
There will be unnecessary tension in family.
Arguments and clashes between husband and wife.
If kitchen in this corner, own earned savings will vanish suddenly and one will realize it later on.
If the doors and windows are smaller and fewer than south, it will be big vastu defect and lead to expenditure related problems.

These are some of the problems which one faces when there is defect in north direction. Lot of care should be taken otherwise the life becomes hell. If such problem persists one must consult a good vastu expert so that life become smooth and happy.